1- Check your email for your Blerify “Dataroom Access Credential”.
2- Click on “claim credential”. It will take you to the app store to download the Blerify Wallet. You will setup an alias and instantly receive the credential in the Credential section.
3- To acces the data room, go to the Home screen of the Wallet. And click the Scan QR button below. Scan the QR in this Data Room page, and consent sharing your credential to authenticate.
Traditional online verification relies on non-AI and non-Quantum resistant mechanisms, including passwords and biometrics, that leave both users and companies vulnerable. Blerify’s Point of Verification (POV) revolutionizes this process through secure, AI-resistant and Quantum-resistant authentication.
We work with the latest ISO, W3C, and OpenID standards to enable digital authentication using Digital Credentials and secure cryptography, which is managed using ID Wallets. The QR code you have scanned is POV implemented using our proprietary authentication plugin that enables credential requests and verifications.
Leave your details and we will issue you one as soon as possible.